Beibei District President Huang Zonghua (middle) Chairman Zhou Jiqun (right) General Manager Deng Li (left)

       On March 7, 2016, Huang Zonghua, president of Beibei District, Chairman Zhou Jiqun (right), General Manager Deng Li (left), the new member of the Standing Committee of the Beibei District Committee and head of Beibei District, visited the enterprise for research, and came to Chongqing Shunduoli Locomotive Co., Ltd. at the first stop. Accompanied by Zhou Jiqun, chairman of the company, and Deng Li, director of the company's technology research and development center, Huang District Chief, Zheng Xuelun, member of the Standing Committee of the Beibei District Committee, Zhao Qi, deputy head of the district government, and leaders of the Beibei District Economic and Information Commission and Cai Tong Management Committee, went to the production workshop to understand and care about the production and operation of the company.


Chairman Zhou made a detailed report to the leaders on the company's current business situation, market prospects and future development orientation. Chongqing Shunduoli Locomotive Co., Ltd. is a local private enterprise with more than 20 years of development history in Beibei District. At the beginning of its development, it mainly produced and processed motorcycle parts. It settled in Caitong Industrial Park in 2010 and transformed into the production of key parts of automobile air conditioning compressor in 2012. After continuous efforts and hard work in recent years, Shunduoli has maintained a stable growth trend under the general economic downturn. Mr. Zhou said that Shunduoli will adhere to the development strategy of "one body and two wings". On the one hand, Shunduoli will firmly develop the modern manufacturing industry, strengthen technological innovation, and devote itself to the research and development of the high-end technology of the casting industry - liquid forging, fill the gap in the domestic industry and improve its ability to participate in international competition. At the same time, taking Industry 4.0 as the development goal, the company has drawn up a ten-year development plan to achieve intelligent manufacturing in 2025; On the one hand, we should actively develop the modern service industry, take the road of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", and make positive contributions to the economic and social development of Beibei District.

Mr. Huang said that through this survey to Shunduoli, he had a glimpse of the economy of Beibei and strengthened his confidence in the development of Beibei.