Shunduoli's 2022 Spring Festival condolence briefing "inherits traditional virtues and carries forward national spirit". With the Spring Festival approaching in 2022, the Party branch of Chongqing Shunduoli Locomotive Co., Ltd., the labor union and Shunduoli Driving Test Group carried out a warm activity to welcome the New Year, and sent holiday blessings to the local needy people and the elderly in the nursing home.



On the afternoon of January 24, 2022, under the leadership of Yang Fan, General Manager of Shunduoli Driving Test Group, Xiang Shaowei, Deputy General Manager of the Locomotive Company, Secretary of the Party Branch, Zhou Ping, Deputy General Manager, and other leaders, the Shunduoli Comfort Group visited the poor people in the construction village of Tongjiaxi Town and the elderly in Tongjiaxi Nursing Home, and sent them comfort goods and money. Then I talked with them and asked them about the cold and warmth, so that they could feel the deep care and warm love of the Shunduoli people in this cold winter, and wished them a happy and happy Spring Festival.

A total of more than 10000 yuan of condolence money and condolence goods were distributed in this condolence activity. Through this activity, Shunduoli actively fulfilled its responsibility of repaying the society, passed on the enterprise concept, and effectively distributed the enterprise's heart to the society to the needy people. This responsibility also drives us Shunduoli people to do their best to do better, and hope that they can live in peace and happiness in the new year!